A Color Story


We pride ourselves on being a colorful shop that makes you want to stay a while. You can smell the staff’s favorite Maison Louis Marie candle burning when you stroll around our tiny but mighty space. Constantly rearranging, designing our own window installations, and always switching up our inventory seasonally, we capture a world of color right in the heart of Cambridge.  From artwork and lighting to throws and pillows, our shelves are stacked with brights, lights, neutrals and everything in-between. Coordinating with our entire inventory and styling for our custom furniture pieces is our specialty. We love to make color come alive in your home as well and inspire you a bit to bring in some pops of color this spring. Read on to see where we’re grabbing inspiration from.


Color Of The Season

We work with our favorite local and global handmade vendors to keep our inventory new for each change of season. And we’re so excited to mix things up in the shop for spring! So as you begin to put away the heavy winter throws in your home know that we’re inviting color in our floral paper products, textiles, and trays in the shop. It’s important to reward yourself when spring cleaning with some new home items that make your forever home feel brand new. Grab some inspiration from our curated spaces showing off the season below.

(All homes below designed by Pinney Designs)

Inspiration: Nature, Food & Travel

Do you ever get home from traveling and get that feeling of wanting to revamp your home after that bit of inspiration abroad? There is so much inspiration to be found in the architecture of the world. In landscapes and even in your own backyard. Shop our inspired mood boards below and keep up with us on instagram for new spring products!

Looking for additional color inspiration of your own, check out Design Seeds Blog for schemes and ideas based on imagery and everyday objects!


Elizabeth Tobin